Prince Aemon Aenys Targaryen
Born the 23rd day of the 12th month of 136Ac
Prince aemon is the son of princess Rhaena Targaryen and Aemond Targaryen born on driftmark.
Princess Laena Targaryen
Born on the 4th day of the sixth month of 138 Ac princess Laena is the daughter of Princess Rhaena Targaryen and Aemond Targaryen born on driftmark
Prince Baelon Targaryen
Born on the 1st day of the first month of 131 Ac Prince Baelon is the first born son of Princess Baela and Prince Aegon Targaryen II born in the red keep
Prince baelor Targaryen
Born on the 20th day of the first month of 137 Ac Prince baelor is the first born son of Princess Baela and Prince Aegon Targaryen II born in the red keep